Eight Hours

7 PM: "Claudia Hoynes"

CJ frowned when the night sky lit up with a flash of lightening. She had never been in the Residence during such a storm, but if she had been living there under any other circumstances, she would have found it eerily romantic. She could have leaned upon her husband to ease her childish fear of the big lights and loud noises. In her case, though, the storm seemed empty.

The knocking on the door made her jump.


She chuckled bitterly. They had decided to change her name from CJ to Claudia because it sounded more suitable for a First Lady. For a week after winning the election, she told her husband and President that it was changing her name that won him the election.


"Are you okay?" John asked, after opening the door.

She tightened the sash on her bathrobe. "Yeah."

"I have to meet with some union representatives, so..."

"Go," she said as casually as she could without sounding trite. "I'll grab something to eat and get some sleep just fine without you."

He sighed. "I know you will. Breakfast tomorrow?"

"Sure," she replied with a nod. They had breakfast together every morning. At first, it became a way for them to get to know each other. Then, they used it to check in with each other: they swapped schedules for the day, talked a little about CJ's legislative plans, and watched some of the early morning news together before parting ways and doing their respective jobs.

He closed the door and left her in her own thoughts. She sat down on her bed and looked down at her manicured hands. Claudia Hoynes always had perfect nails. Claudia Hoynes always had perfect suits and perfect shoes. Claudia Hoynes was always perfectly composed.

However, in private, Claudia Hoynes was growing more and more miserable. Claudia Hoynes had a business arrangement for a marriage.

After President Bartlet announced to his staff that he had MS, John Hoynes had approached her and suggested the deal. Marriage---to increase his chance at winning the Presidency. If he lost, they would divorce as quietly as possible, and he would provide financially for her for two years so she could put her life back together. If he won, she would be able to do the best she could for the people who needed the help and guidance of a strong government. She had always wanted to help more than she had from the podium in the tiny briefing room. Her old job seemed so insignificant compared to being First Lady.

Additionally, as his First Lady, he would make sure she wanted for nothing---except a husband that loved her.

She resigned from her job, with the blessing of the senior staff who all believed that she was happily marrying the man she loved, even though they couldn't stand him at times.

And, they had won. So, Claudia Hoynes pulled herself together and became the First Lady of the United States: the loneliest woman in the world.

7:30 PM: "Mr. President"

"Mr. President---"

"Sam, I know."

Sam Seaborn sighed. He had become the Director of Communications for John after the Bartlet Administration disbanded. He was beginning to understand how Toby became so incredibly difficult to deal with over time. The promotion came with new challenges.

He knew he wouldn't have taken the job if CJ hadn't asked him personally to accept her husband's offer. President Bartlet and Leo had also come to him, assuring him that he should take the new position. A promotion was a promotion, John Hoynes wasn't that bad a man, and serving the President was always an honour.

"You need to look at the new language, sir."

John sighed. "I will, but I have to go back into this meeting and work out a deal, so maybe you should bring it to me later," he suggested firmly.

Sam nodded. "Yes, sir."

"Okay. Meet me after."

He nodded again, feeling the disappointment of the brush off set in. "Yes, Mr. President."

Sam started walking down the hall. His phone rang so he answered it on his way to his office, the office that still smelled of Toby's cigar. "Seaborn."

"Hi, Sam."

He grinned. "Donna, hi! How's the new job?"

She laughed. "Motherhood or the magazine?"

Sam laughed, too. "The magazine."

"It's great. I never thought I could run a political magazine."

"I did," he replied firmly. "How's Josh and Noah?"

"Great. Look... I have some pictures to e-mail to you. The pictures from the inaugural balls are in. Someone wants to do a piece of the style of Hoynes and CJ... so I also wanted you to look at some from the campaign and---"

"I love you, but I'm not commenting. Call our press secretary for that---"

She jumped in quickly. "No, no. I don't want you to. This is a friend of CJ thing."

He closed his door. "Okay. What is it?"

"I'm not convinced CJ's happy. I wouldn't have noticed it if my writer hadn't brought it to my attention, and I wanted to---" she stopped and sighed. "They look like something's wrong. Is CJ happy, Sam?"

"I don't know," he said honestly. "She's here, though, isn't she?"

Being in the Residence was always better than being cooped up in Texas. Sam had learned that with Abbey Bartlet. When she was at their farm in Manchester, the senior staff knew something was wrong between the President and the First Lady.

Donna sighed. "Yeah."

"I'll ask CJ about it. If she's in a good mood tomorrow."

8 PM: "Pajamas and Coffee"

CJ sighed again and then decided to do something about her boredom. She picked up the phone in her room and called down to her press secretary's office.



"Ma'am, hi," she said warmly. "What's up?"

"Are you busy?" CJ asked.

Carol replied, "No. Ginger and I are just watching CNN."

CJ smiled. "Can I join you?"

"Of course, ma'am."

CJ held her comment until she dressed in soft lounge pants and a hooded sweater, slipped into her flip flops, and walked to Carol's office. She stepped inside and firmly said: "Tonight, I'm CJ."

Ginger pulled a chair out for her. "C'mon in, CJ."

CJ smiled, grateful for her old colleagues, and sat down. "Thanks, guys."

"Isn't this why you hired us?" Carol said with a little laugh. CJ nodded and turned to the TV. "We can turn that off if you want to talk---"

"No," CJ said quickly, without a thought. "I... I like it. It's been a while since I've just hung out with anyone."

"Are you okay?" Ginger blurted out.

CJ nodded. "Yeah, I guess so. DId Amy call with the figures for the speech yet?"

"No work," Carol scolded, getting up to retrieve bottles of beer from her mini fridge. "You need to relax."

Carol was right. She had been working entirely too hard since she became Claudia Hoynes. She had even hired Amy Gardner to be her Chief of Staff. The strong-willed brunette had said she didn't think the position would be well-suited to her skills, but CJ insisted that she would be making waves for women, no matter what the President wanted.

CJ nodded. "Okay. Twist my arm," she said dryly as she accepted the cool glass bottle. "What's new?"

Ginger shrugged. "Toby called yesterday. It was weird."

CJ blinked. "Why would it be--- ohhh. Did you two---?"

Ginger shrugged again. "A little. We sort of... one night. After you told him about your engagement. I figured he was upset and wanted you but only had me---"

CJ smiled. "He likes natural redheads."

"Yeah, but, he was really set on---"

"You," CJ said firmly, knowing that she and Toby had never been more than good friends no matter what anyone thought---until the day she told him that she was getting engaged. That was the day their friendship started to crumble. He had been hurt that she didn't tell him that she was dating someone. She had been angry that he couldn't be genuinely happy for her.

"Oh. I so screwed that up."

"Do you still have a thing for him?" CJ smiled.

Ginger raised an eyebrow. "What is it with First Ladies and matchmaking?"

"I'm CJ tonight," she reminded the woman. "Not the First Lady. So... do you?"

Ginger sighed. "Yeah..."

CJ smiled after another sip of beer. It felt good to help her friends find happiness. It almost helped her get over her lack of happiness. She sighed as she thought about her situation. John wasn't a bad man, and he gave her everything she wanted, but he only did that to keep her there with him. They had become friends, but CJ sensed that nothing would come from their marriage but friendship.

Sadly, she felt herself falling in love with him. And he wouldn't return her feelings. He'd always treated her as a friend, a business partner, his ticket to the Presidency---but not a wife he loved with all his heart.

"Hey, Boss?" Carol asked, shocking her from her thoughts. "Phone. It's Donna."

CJ blinked, a little confused. "What? Oh. Okay." She took the receiver from the brunette. "Donna? What's up?"

"Hey, CJ. Nothing much. Did Sam come to see you yet?"


She sighed. "Damn. Okay. That's it. He's off of my Christmas-slash-Chanukah card list."

Cj chuckled. "It couldn't have been that bad. What can I comment on?"

"I don't need a comment... I just needed to know how you were doing. It's been a while, and---"

"I'm fine."

"What about President Hoynes?"

Cj shrugged. "He's fine, too."

"You two together?"

She sighed. "We're fine, Donna. Are you pregnant again? Because those weird dreams you kept having weren't prophetic---"

"God, no, I'm not pregnant. I was worried---"


Donna paused before replying. For a moment, CJ was afraid she'd learn John was having an affair---one of the outlawed items in the rules of their marriage. "You two don't look happy."

CJ sighed again. "The First Family is entitled to its moods."


"Donna, we're fine. Really."

9 PM: "The Idea"

"So, Sam, what can I do for you?" John asked as they walked into the Oval Office.

"Donna Moss-Lyman sent some pictures over."

John smiled. "How are she and Josh?"

"They're fine, but---"

"And Noah? It's Noah, right?"

Sam nodded. "He's good, too. Anyway, one of her writers pitched a style article about you and the First Lady---"

"Call her CJ, Sam," he interrupted again. "She's one of your closest friends."

"Okay. Anyway. Donna e-mailed them to me, and I thought you'd like to see them in case you wanted one, or had a comment, or---"

John sighed. It had been a miserable day, and nothing would make him feel more miserable than looking at pictures of himself with his wife pretending to be happy and in love. She was always attractive, but since the tail end of the campaign, he had begun developing feelings for her beyond friendship.

"Let's see them."

"Here, sir."

John gazed upon the first one. CJ was wearing a suit, her hair was tucked behind her ears, and they were holding hands. John noticed that he was staring at her as she spoke to a few volunteers. "She's beautiful," he commented, before turning to the next one.

By the end of the pictures, John could feel himself growing aroused, then frustrated, and then depressed. And then, he decided that he should do something about it.

"Sam, I really like these... can I keep them?"

Sam's eyes widened and John thought he looked very surprised. "Sir, I can have them send actual copies. These are just print-offs and---"

John smiled, feeling the determination to set his plan in motion. "These are really great. Thanks, Sam. Why don't you go home early like everyone else?"

10 PM: "Envelopes"

CJ leaned back in the tub and sighed. The water was getting cold and the bubbles were dissolving. She wished she could run another bath and hide in the bathroom forever, but she suspected that her skin would shrivel too much for her liking if she did.

After Carol and Ginger went home for the night, she made her way up to the Residence, only to find John locked away in his study. She didn't bother knocking. He was always working. Just like she was always working. So, she crept to John's bathroom and drew a bath, since he had the larger bathtub and never used it.

But, it was getting late, the storm was still brewing around the district, and she knew she needed to try to get some sleep.

She drained the tub, wrapped herself up in towels and her bathrobe, and stepped out into his room. It smelled of him and she liked that smell, even though she wouldn't admit it to herself.

When she opened the door to his room, though, she was greeted in the hallway by a plain white envelope with 'Claudia' written across the front in John's handwriting. Once she looked down the hall, she noticed she was greeted by several envelopes. They seemed to be trailing into her room.

"Oh, brother..." she mumbled, picking the first one up.

She opened it and pulled out a picture of them on the campaign trail. She smiled softly and then noticed that something was written on the back.

"Here, I was thinking about how incredible you are."

She blushed. Her eyes widened. She carefully folded the picture back up and put it into the envelope, before moving onto the second one.

"Here," John had written on the back, "I was thinking that the dress you were wearing was going to kill me."

She didn't understand what he was doing. If he wanted sex, he should have just told her. She didn't know if she would have been able to sleep with him, but she didn't know if she liked this false seduction. She didn't like not knowing what he was up to. It made her nervous.

On the back of the next photo, he had written: "Here, we were dancing, and I wanted to kiss you, but you were busy talking about your niece's scholarship award, and the guy with the funny toupee, and I really didn't think you'd go for it."

She picked up another, this one outside her closed door. On the back, John had written: "Inauguration... I had seen you with Danny Concannon earlier and thought you two had something going on. I was so jealous. But, you came back and danced with me... I wished I could have done something there to tell you what I was thinking, but I was too chicken."

She sighed quietly and opened her door. It was dark. At the window, the curtains were drawn back and the lightning was flashing through. In one flash, she saw John, standing there at her window, staring out.

"Um... John? Are you lost?"

He turned to look at her. CJ had never seen him so nervous. "You found your way."

"Well, it's my room. I can usually find my way back. But, the envelopes... they... helped. How'd you wind up here?"

"Sam. Or Donna. Or whatever. He... showed me those pictures. I..."

When he trailed off, she raised an eyebrow. "John? Have you been drinking?"

"I... I don't... no. I haven't."

"Okay, good. Now, what's with the letters and the pictures and the... the you being here?"

He bit his lip and then looked her in the eye as he said: "I'm falling in love with you."

Her jaw dropped. "What?"

"I know you don't love me. I know this was a lifeboat for you... another job with a better payoff. You wanted to help more and get to some sort of safe place, and I needed a partner to help me get elected... I... somewhere between primaries... I kind of... well, I really fell for you."

"If you're horny, you should've just---"

"It's not," he said solemnly. CJ shivered. He smiled and asked, "Are you cold?"

She shook her head and looked down at the pictures in her hands. "how'd you... did you do this on your own?"

He smiled more, making her heart skip a tiny beat. "I could say I did, but Sam and Donna deserve some of the credit. Donna's magazine's doing an article on---"

"---style," she finished for him. At the end of their conversation in Carol's office, Donna had mentioned that they were doing a political fashion piece, featuring CJ and John. "I know. She called."

"She sent them to Sam. He gave them to me. Do they know about---"

"No. Not even Carol knows," CJ interrupted. "Donna asked if we were happy. I didn't know what she was getting at."

John sighed. "So that was why Sam was acting funny."

She watched him carefully. "Our marriage is fake," she said softly.

"We could make it real." The lightening flashed and the thunder crashed. CJ jumped, not expecting the storm to intrude on the insanity in front of her. John smiled. "CJ? Are you afraid of storms?"

11 PM : "Fear"

She sat down and watched him, afraid to reply to his question. Toby had always made fun of her and she didn't want John to either---especially since she felt so incredibly vulnerable. If she admitted her fears and how she felt, she would be exposed to an attack.

An attack of what, she didn't know, but she did know she didn't want to be left wide open with no protection.

He was waiting patiently. When the loud claps and flashes occurred again, she cried out softly.

He smiled.

She sighed. "Yes, I am."

He walked back to the window. "Come here."

Hesitantly, she obliged him. Her eyes studied him; they didn't meet his, but they stayed on him, wary of the motives behind his command.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to bite."

CJ smiled shyly and came a little bit closer. He put her hands on the glass of the window. "Now, breathe, okay?"

"If you're trying to get me over my fear, it won't work, so---"


"Okay," she whispered, trembling a little. "What are you---"


"John! What are you doing?" She hissed, growing more tense. "We haven't even kissed before for real, and now I'm naked under my robe, and you're acting so odd, and---hey, just let me put some clothes on, and---"

"Trust me," he murmured.


He took a deep breath and then said: "I am falling in love with you, CJ."

The raw tone of his voice made her stop breathing temporarily. She wondered if it was enough. After everything she had been through, it felt like more than enough.


She felt his lips against his neck. "Mmm?" he hummed against her. She moaned in response and then blushed for sounding so crazed. She would be an easy conquest for anyone after long months of taking care of her needs by herself. He smiled and repeated his actions. Then, he whispered, "You've have my attention since New Hampshire, CJ."

She gasped. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I was afraid I was still your lifeboat," he told her.

"I was afraid I was still your hired bride," she admitted.

He smiled and stepped behind her, putting his hands over hers as his chest molded to her back. "I want to make it official," he declared.

"You can leave a twenty on the night stand when I take my shower," she quipped.

"I was thinking of making our marriage official. No divorce."


"I don't want to give you up."

"You're crazy."

He chuckled. "Well, I'll keep things interesting, anyway."

Another loud clap of thunder caused CJ to jump back from the window. John was strong, though, and he held her there, fingers trembling between his hands and the glass.

"Hold still," he insisted, voice sounding rougher.


He let his hands slide to her shoulders. "We're going to get you over this fear of storms." She gasped when his hands came down to her waist. "I want your eyes to stay open," he instructed. "Watch the storm."


"Shh..." he whispered, before kissing her neck. She felt herself heat up, her legs shifting before she could control herself. "Watch the storm."

"Mmmkay," she managed, nodding a little. She gasped when he untied her robe. His hands were unsteady as they made contact with her stomach. She moaned, pushing back against him. His hands grew bolder, sliding up to cup her breasts, and even though they were still shaking, they were much steadier and seemed to know exactly how to turn her on.

The lightening flashed. She gasped.

He squeezed her nipple. She moaned.

12 AM: "To Bed"

By the time the storm had quieted, John was sure of two things: one, CJ was definitely turned on; two, he had to get out of his pants. The constricting fabric was too much for him. Touching her breasts was also becoming too much for him.

She rubbed against him and when he was distracted, she whirled around. "My turn," she announced.

He stopped her from moving. The lightening flashed, and he could see how turned on she was. She didn't jump from the storm; her eyes were large and dark, her cheeks were flushed, and her lips were swollen, begging for kisses.

"What about the storm?" He asked, smirking.

In a bold move, CJ grabbed his hand and pushed it between her legs. They both groaned at the contact. The thunder crashed; CJ jumped, but the flinch was much less than before. She felt too aroused to jump.

He cupped her face in his hands, once freeing his from her grip. "I need you," he whispered. "I definitely don't want to wreck this."

John was so earnest that it took her breath away. She didn't know for sure what had created this need, this love, but she wasn't about to let it go unrewarded.

"I don't want to wreck this either," she admitted.

He smiled. "Good."

"Are we going to your room?"

He shook his head.

"Why not?"

"I thought we should christen this room, first."

She laughed. "Okay, then."

He smiled and pulled her closer. "When did you start having feelings for me?"

CJ blushed. "Well... I... I always thought you were handsome."

"That's not the answer to my question."

She blushed more. He smiled. She said softly, "I don't know, exactly, okay? It was just there... for a while."

John teased, "That's good enough."

She rolled her eyes. Then, she said: "What if this ruins---"

"You're really worried." She nodded. He could understand that. She had been looking forward to her high profile job, and he didn't want to take her away from that; but, he didn't plan on taking her from it. He sighed. "It won't ruin a thing."

"Sex changes everything," she whispered.

"I think it'll be a good change."

"How do you---"

John cut her off with a deep kiss that seemed to burn on forever. Her hands made their way up his chest to his shoulders and when he directed a change in angle, her fingers worked into his neck. He nibbled on her lower lip and she moaned his name. Then, he eased away. CJ glared at him. He grinned. "That's how I know."

She inhaled slowly, trying to level her system off without success. He smiled and started taking his tie off. She watched as it fell from his fingers to the floor. Then, he started unbuttoning his shirt. The shirt landed on the floor, and then he moved to his pants.

"Wait," CJ said softly. "Shouldn't I---"

"I thought I'd make it easier for you," he said, teasing a little.

With an arched eyebrow, she shrugged out of her robe. Then, she reached for his belt. After whipping it out of his belt loops, she dropped it on the floor and opened his pants. He sighed raggedly. She smiled up at him and worked on pulling them off. Then, she pulled his boxers down.

John groaned.

She licked her lips and peeked up at him. "Bed," she whispered.

1 AM: "The Request"

Sam walked into the outer office of the Oval. Jackson, John's personal aide was there, shuffling papers and talking with the Chief of Staff.

"Steve, you don't have to worry," Jackson was saying. "He's not working late tonight."

"Good," Sam spoke up. "He needs to rest." Jackson smirked but didn't say anything. Sam then asked, "Is Mrs. Hoynes in her office---"

"Nope. They took the night off. No interruptions unless it's the end of the world."

Sam blinked. He never remembered them doing that. CJ always worked late; John always worked late. "Really. Well, that's great. Good for them."

The phone rang. Jackson answered it. "Hello, sir. ... You what? ... Cider, on ice, two glasses, and a--- ... oh, okay. Two con--- yes, sir. You've got it. I'll have the steward knock once and leave the cart outside."

Sam blinked. When Jackson hung the phone up, he asked: "What did he order?"


"No, the other..."

"Sam, it's difficult to run to a drugstore when you're the President," Jackson said with a chuckle as he left the outer office.

1:30 AM: "Request Fulfilled"

John heard the knock and jumped off the bed. Neither of them had planned to have sex; CJ had gone off of the birth control pill and neither made a point to pack condoms during the move.

It had been embarrassing to call his aide and ask for some. it had been excruciating to wait for them.

He donned CJ's robe and rushed to the door. He wheeled the cart inside and lifted the silver dome off of the plate. There was a large box of condoms with a note. He held the box up so CJ could see what he was laughing at. as he read the note out loud: "'Thought you should have some for the next time.' Jackson thinks he's funny."

"Hey, he pulled through," CJ said, grinning. "Keep the cider on ice and get over here with that box."

John grinned back. "Yes, ma'am."

"Smart man," she murmured as he took the robe off and joined her on the bed.

He laughed and dropped the box to pull her closer. She squealed and reached for the box, fumbling to get one foil packet out. "Stop that," he grumbled, trying to grab it from her. "I'm not done with you yet."

"Thorough on the job and off," she praised. "I like your style."

She squealed again as he flipped her over. "Very thorough," he murmured, before latching onto her breast.

2 AM: "Floating and Falling"

By the time they were ready for intercourse, CJ felt as though she were floating. Ecstasy coursed through her on a physical level---and an emotional level as well.

He said he was falling in love with her. He wanted to make their marriage real.

She smiled and took the foil package from him, tearing it open with her teeth. "On your back," she instructed after slipping the latex sheath over his erection with eager fingers.

Panting for breath, he shook his head. "Side."

"I'm not---"

"Side," he growled hungrily.

Eyes wide, she nodded and rolled away from him. She peeked at him over her shoulder. "It won't... I can't come, like this."

He caressed her hip. "You just wait."

"John..." she said, sounding a little wary as he eased her leg up so he could enter her.

He didn't say anything until he was slowly pushing himself inside of her. She had tried to thrust back, to hurry to process. He grunted and gripped her hip. "Slow down."


He kissed her shoulder and then reached around to squeeze her breast. She whimpered and tried to push back more; but, each time she did, he slowed down, frustrating her even more.

By the time he was completely inside of her, she was whimpering and panting loudly.

"What do you want, Claudia?"

She whimpered again, unable to articulate her thoughts.

He laughed and then nibbled her shoulder, before starting to thrust again. His hand, that had come to rest on her stomach, traveled between her legs, caressing her intimately and increasing the amount of pleasure coursing through her system.

She wanted to touch him, but couldn't. He started slowing his fingers, traveling away from her bundle of nerves. He strayed to her hip and their fingers made contact. She tried to hold onto his hand, desperate for a connection to keep her tethered; when he moved back between her legs, he took her hand with his. She moaned more, even more aroused as she felt his finger caressing her outer folds as he continued to move inside of her.

"John... I..."

His lips landed on her damp neck, sucking gently. "Just let go," he whispered.

She nodded jerkily and tried to breathe deeply. The sensations surged through her and then they exploded, making her body shudder involuntarily as her hidden muscles gripped his erection and brought him to his own release.

His mouth had been at her neck. That was the last thing she remembered before passing out.

2:30 AM: "Sleep Deprivation"

"Claudia! Claudia!"

John checked her pulse and sighed. Gently, he tapped her cheek and continued talking to her. When she sucked in a sharp breath, he exclaimed: "Thank god!"

"Ohhh," she moaned loudly, rolling up a bit to look at him. "Warn me when you do that, okay?"

He smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Okay."

She wrinkled her nose. "I'm all sticky."

He leaned down and kissed her stomach. "All my fault. I accept full responsibility."

"Mmmkay," she said as she curled into him.

He wrapped his arms around her, feeling content. "I suppose you'll pay me back later."

"You bet," she said, nodding. After a moment, she added: "We should move to your bedroom."

"Our bedroom. You're moving your things in tomorrow."

She smiled and blushed. "Okay." She felt so differently than she did a few hours ago. "Well, we should move there soon."


"There's a big wet spot in here."

He laughed. "Well, when we're ready to sleep, we will."

She blinked. "You're not?"

"No... I know nothing intimate about my wife."


"Like how she looks when she's moaning my name," he purred, just before the storm crashed around them.

She shuddered. "Oh," she managed.

"Oh," he mimicked, teasing her.

She laughed, stopping when his hands started traveling over her body. "John," she whispered shakily. "We have work tomorrow."

"So? We'll be a little tired."

"The leader of the free world can't be a little tired."

He laughed again. "Oh yeah? Well, I'll have to go to bed early tomorrow night, to make up for tonight."

She smiled and asked, "What'll I do, then?"

"Join me," he insisted, moving in to kiss over her collarbone.

The End!